Basic Features Windows WeaveIt Pro |
Easy to
Buttons provide quick access to features.
Status text on footer keeps you informed on the current pattern state.
Unlimited number of patterns can be open and viewed side-by-side.
Supports up to: 64 harnesses, unlimited treadles.
Supports lift plans
No limit on number of warp & weft threads
Supports Balanced, Warp faced, Weft faced, and Warp-rep Weave
Copy draw-downs to Windows Clipboard for Guild news letters.
Many zoom levels
Display fully annotated pattern.
Display project calculations
View backside of draw-down
Display/edit treadling as lift (peg) plan
View thread interlace in the drawdown.
Tutorial and plenty of documentation
Interactive Tutorial steps you through all the basic features.
The help screens tell you what to do and you do it along with the tutorial.
Easy to use without having to remember lots of compilcated sequences.
Extensive on-line help and glossary of weaving terms.
Printed Manual explains concepts and how to use all the features.
Excellent printing including print preview.
Print patterns with numbers and annotations for easy reading
Print drawdowns with or without showing threading interlacements
Print project calculations with notes
Edit in the main window or easy to use dialogs.
Custom tie-ups with a click of the mouse or create tie-ups from a list of
common tie-ups.
Easy to create and edit threading and treadling and tieup drafts.
Work with numbers for easy visibility
Use letters to distinguish yarns.
Use small squares to view large drafts
Draw straight lines or free-form pattern lines
Copy threading to treadling, "Tromp as Writ" with a single click
Cut and paste threading, treadling and tieups between patterns.
Cut, paste, copy, reverse
Flip and Wrap in both directions
Unlimited Undo for all editing actions
Repeat selections and show pattern printouts like you see in the magazines.
Add your own annotations to the patterns.
Computer recognizes tabby & borders
Generate Advancing Twills
Quickly create custom twill tieups by filling in first column and picking
View yarn interlacment
Toggle drawdown view between smallest fabic view and normal editing view
to quickly see the effects.
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