More Features in Windows WeaveIt Pro |
Color customization… create infinite number of colors.
Change colors on threading individual, in a selection, or for a specific yarn.
Color Sequences… Create plaids and stripes over any weave structure.
& Weave
Create color and weave effects quickly and easily
Choose upto 4 colors to alternate
Pick a standard alternating sequence
Or create you own sequence
Computes number of warp ends.
Computes yardage requirements for warp and weft
Given loom dimensions will compute finished fabric dimensions
Given finished fabric dimensions, will compute loom length and width
Computes number of heddles required for each harness
Recognizes floating selvedges
Metric units available
File Manager allows you to view summary information about a list of your
Select only the directorys that you use for a hierachical file search.
Filter on the types of files you want to see
File image will show in upper right corner for recent files saved in WeaveIt 6.
Sort files by weave type, number of harnesses, date...
Use the threading, treadling or tieup from draft on file in a new draft you are
just creating.
Supports WIF independent weave pattern format for exchange with other weaving
Save drawdown as bitmap for import into other graphics programs.
Features of Windows WeaveIt Pro
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